Since the last project update, the contractor, Reddico Construction Co., has achieved Substantial Completion on Phase 2 of both the Waterline and Trunk Sewer and is prosecuting the punch list items:
- Substantial Completion was achieved on July 1, 2020.
- All structures in the roadway alignment have been removed from the project limits.
- Clean up and site restoration complete, and ready for the next phase to build the road.
- The project finished one month ahead of schedule.
- The early finish for the project now allows for the construction of the roadway to start on-time.
- Waterline Phase II was under budget and the Trunk Sewer came in right at budget.
Trunk Sewer
- Completed the line (pressure) and manhole (vacuum) testing of the trunk sewer.
- Completed all mandrel testing of the sewer lines.
Phase 2 Waterline
- Completed testing all of the 16" water line through the McHard Corridor.
- Areas that were to be bored because of the protected wetlands are completed.
- 12-inch waterline off-sets, to address conflicts at side street intersections, are all complete.
- The lab results for waterline bacteriological testing (BacT's) have all passed.
Upcoming Work Items:
- Replace asphalt on Garden Road into neighborhood.
Trunk Sewer
- All lines are complete and ready for final inspection and acceptance.
Phase 2 Waterline
- Water line, fire hydrants, and manholes will be inspected by COP PW department on August 4th.
Read August 2020 memo
Since the last project update the contractor, Reddico Construction Co., has completed the following on Phase 2 of both the Waterline and Trunk Sewer.
- The contractor's scope was amended to include the demolition/removal of twenty existing structures within the McHard Road Right of Way. These consist of properties purchased within the road right of way but had to be removed to install one or both utilities. The properties included houses, barns, well houses and storage sheds. All had to be checked for asbestos, abated ifound and then demolished.
- To date, 16 of the 20 structures have been removed.
- The remaining structures contain asbestos and are awaiting abatement before demolition.
- The McHard Road right of way has been graded and cleared of trees, structures and debris.
Trunk Sewer
- Completed the installation of the trunk sewer line from Cullen to Max Road.
- Completed the interior coating on nearly 90% of the sanitary manholes.
- Completed the line (pressure) and manhole (vacuum) testing of the trunk sewer.
- Completed 90% of the mandrel testing of the sewer line.
Phase 2 Waterline
- Constructed and tested approximately 93% of 16" water line through the McCard Corridor.
- The remaining segments to be installed are under the wetland area requiring an Individual Permit. Staff were originally told the project met the requirements for a Nationwide 14 Permit (for transportation projects). That application was submitted to the US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) in September 2016.
- In 2018 USACE informed the City that the project would require an Individual Permit. Staff responded with a plan to purchase portions of the required mitigation area from a local mitigation bank and create the balance on land owned by the City north of Clear Creek. Staff and environmental consultants have addressed three rounds of comments from the USACE, the latest was May 8, 2020. USACE continues to require additional information and clarification.
- The contractor has been instructed to bore under the wetlands to avoid further delay in completing this project. This installation methodology will allow the contractor to complete the water line but the Individual Permit issue remains an outstanding issue for the roadway construction that Staff is continuing to pursue.
Upcoming Work Items:
- A Change Order is being prepared to add the installation of 12-inch waterline off-sets and one force main on existing lines at the Garden Road, O'Day Road, and Hatfield Road that will be in conflict of the McHard Road storm sewer once that project gets underway. The conflicts were identified in the McHard Road project and since TxDOT doesn't participate in cost sharing on utilities, staff is taking advantage of unit prices of this contractor that is currently mobilized. Staff s currently working through the scope of this additional effort. The contractor elected to bore a greater percentage of the original work, so there are some line item underruns that will be used to reduce the total amount of this change order.
- Asbestos abatement and demolition of the remaining structures should be complete by May 30th.
Phase 2 Waterline
- The contractor began performing chlorination on the water line from Cullen to Stone in preparation for bacteriological testing. This work will continue for the next several weeks.
Trunk Sewer
- The contractor will complete the mandrel testing and manhole coating within the next two weeks.
- Schedule final inspections.
Read May 2020 memo
Since the last project update the contractor has completed the following on the Trunk Sewer phases:
- In an effort to make up time due to the holidays, the City's contractor, Reddico has allocated 3 additional underground crews and have broken ground at the following locations:
- 1st crew started boring the proposed 18" sanitary sewer from Cullen Blvd towards Stone Road. Approximately 385 LF of 18" sanitary sewer has been constructed at this location.
- 2nd crew started open cut construction of the proposed 18" sanitary sewer at Stone Road, moving east towards Max Road. Approximately 800 LF of 18" sanitary sewer line has been constructed at this location.
- 3rd crew started open cut construction of the proposed 15" sanitary sewer starting at Roy Road moving east towards Garden Road. Approximately 700 LF of 15" sanitary sewer has been constructed at this location.
Read January 2020 memo