
The award-winning department is tasked with telling the stories of the City of Pearland Government, gathering and distributing information to keep residents informed about city policies, programs, services and neighborhoods. If you want to watch your city leaders in action but can’t make it down to City Hall, we air City Council meetings on TV and on the web.  And...we likely produced the City brochure or poster you’re looking at. But we’re doing even more behind-the-scenes. We’re always planning and collaborating with City leaders, departments, and outside organizations to make sure that residents, businesses and visitors of Pearland understand what is happening in Pearland city government and how it affects their lives.

Services to the Community

  • News Releases - news releases announcing City events and issues sent to local media help provide information to the public.
  • Pearland TV - original programming related to City events, news, and issues, streamed online and broadcast on the government cable station, Comcast channel 16 and AT&T U-verse channel 99; also broadcasts a rotating informational bulletin board.
  • Website (the one you're currently viewing) - The City's official website provides information, applications, forms, and interactive features such as maps.
  • Tours - Schools, businesses, and other interested groups may schedule tours of City Hall and other City facilities by calling 281.652.1625.
  • Special Events - The City of Pearland sponsors or cooperates in planning various special events, including ribbon cuttings and groundbreakings, legislative functions and community outreaches. The Communications Department assists city departments in planning special events and coordinating event promotions.
  • Other Services include print pieces such as brochures, signage and official City publications such as Pearland in Motion (printed publication distributed three times a year) and the Calendar & Annual Report. In times of crisis or disaster, the Communications Department serves the Emergency Operation office as the City's official Public Information Office.